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  1. Scala configuration

    Install SDKMAN

     curl -s "" | bash
     source .bashrc


     sdk help

    to makes ure sdk is properly installed.

    Install JAVA 11 and sbt

     sdk install java 11.0.11-open
     sdk install sbt
  2. Clone project and make sure it compiles

     git clone
     cd Portal-to-ISAbelle
     sbt compile
  3. Configure Isabelle

    Go back to home directory first and download isabelle2021

     cd ~
     tar -xzf Isabelle2021_linux.tar.gz
     alias isabelle=~/Isabelle2021/bin/isabelle
  4. Build Isabelle HOL
    isabelle build -b -D Isabelle2021/src/HOL

    This takes ~6 hours of CPU time. The actual time depends on the number of CPUs you have.

  5. Download and build afp
    tar -xzf afp-2021-10-22.tar.gz
    export AFP=afp-2021-10-22/thys
    isabelle build -b -D $AFP

    This takes ~24 hours on 8 CPUs. We can extract ~93% of all afp theory files.

    We built the heap images of Isabelle2021 with afp-2021-10-22 for linux machines (ubuntu). You can download it at: and decompress it as ~/.isabelle.

    Note: this does not always work on different operating systems.

  6. Extract the test theorems The universal test theorems contains 3000 theorems with their file paths and names. The first 600 of them are packaged as “quick” theorems if you have no patience testing all 3000 out.
    tar -xzf universal_test_theorems.tar.gz