About me

I am a researcher at Mistral AI focusing on reasoning and data. I’m a contributor to Mistral models.

My PhD thesis at the Cambridge Computer Laboratory was supervised by Professor Mateja Jamnik and Professor Wenda Li.

I go by Albert. You can also call me 乔楚 (Qiaochu). (They look very different, but a name is nothing more than a lambda variable)

You can find my CV here.


In my PhD, I study how to learn abstract mathematical reasoning, with language models.

  • I worked on the autoformalization of theorems and proofs. Here is a large parallel dataset for statement autoformalization: MMA.
  • I worked on integrating and improving premise selection tools with language models.
  • I study the interaction between humans and language models on mathematical tasks.
  • I am working on mathematical conjecturing. A foretaste of what I want to do here.

Here are some people I worked with/am working with closely on AI x Maths. You should consider reading their works if interested in the topic. In alphabet order:


Between July and October 2022, I was a research scientist intern at FAIR. Since June 2023, I have been a research scientist at Mistral AI.

News and publications


qj213 AT cam DOT ac DOT uk

Random meetings

If you want to talk about AI4Maths, feel free to schedule a meeting: https://calendly.com/aqj. Please include your name and a meeting link if it’s virtual. Please send an email or a note explanation.

Resources for writing the PhD application research proposal

This section of Sharon Goldwater’s homepage.